So proud to have channeled my energy into not politics nor news,

So proud to have channeled my energy into not politics nor news,
Ah, the Christmas memories! I recall that my parents didn't warn me about much, and they gave me Jergen's Lotion. So, of course, I put it all over my face, and my entire face became red as a beet. I still love the smell of it.
Awakening to Christmas Eve morning to see the first real snow on the ground (after Thor had made a tremendous lot of noise with his chariot of goats in the night), I was amazed at how precisely the ancient pagans had pinpointed the winter solstice. Good Jul, everyone! I admit I had a hard time getting into the Christmas Spirit this year. The neighbors put me to shame with all their outdoor lights, so the tree went up with its lights and some tiny hanging bulbs. That was fine with the girls, who prefer "little things", but I didn't actually feel it until the bigger bulbs were added and the top angel was finally found to put atop the tree.
Musing: I wonder what we'll all be like when we come out of our huts, other than a little fatter. Will we have a hard time readjusting to the new normal? Will we still be a little hesitant about people being too close and personal when there's no longer a need for masking up (which I understand is not right away after being vaccinated). I'd mentioned that readjustment earlier when my dad came back from Hawaii, putting everything in the refrigerator (i.e. ice box), which puzzled my mother, because of the "cockroaches".
How did I miss the experience of living in a penthouse, and my husband comes in to show me our new SUV's outside he's gotten us for Christmas, and when I claim the one he wants, he still doesn't slug me?
I could comment on important stuff, because I just read a news article the length of a book, but what amazes me today is when it turned 6:00 p.m., it was more like midnight. So, I decided, okay, I'll just keep going with my to do list I haven't even started, because if I was in Norway where my DNA belongs, that's how I'd have to operate...just ignore that it's midnight for six months...
Had so much fun playing with Naia tonight. Her little house, I got her awhile back, has lots of noisemakers. So I made the phone ring, (ding a ling) and said, Halloooo! and she said, Halloooo! And then, I put Grandma (Marilyn) in the kitchen. (Goodness knows this grandma shouldn't be in there.) And Daddy, helping with the cooking. Then, when Mama went to get the laundry, (swish swish buzz) Daddy went after her, because baby was crying. Naia put baby on Mama. Then, the doorbell rang (ding dong) and in came Cousin Hal from Kansas, wondering, where is everybody? She liked Cousin Hal, even though he doesn't exist.
It's a good day when your chocolate protein drink doesn't spill on your beige pants and your toothpaste doesn't land on your black sweatshirt.
I forget which poet wrote "Grow old along with me..." (I was told, Robert Browning) but we've demonstrated that tonight. I realized I couldn't go out and walk anymore right now, as my sinuses couldn't take it, though they finally went back to normal. So, Bill and I climbed up and down our basement stairs, carefully, holding the railing, ten times. Then, he showed me the paces he made at night walking the length of the house and back. (It's a small house, so that's quite a number of times.) I might try that sometime. After one or both of these exercises, you go out on the porch in your hat and coat and breathe the fresh air for awhile. The other thing you are trying to avoid is the ice. It's counterproductive to be laid up for months, if you fall. Of course, there are other exercises like Yoga and seated Yoga, which when I did it, surprised me as to its equal effectiveness. To your health!
I confess to fooling around today watching videos
I was going to exclaim with great joy that I got a printer that actually works! Except, it doesn't. Because: 1) It says it can't find my printer, and goes on and on, saying it can't find it, and 2) I can't even figure out where the paper is inserted. Why can't our conveniences be simplified, so we can just attach them and turn them on. Is it too much to ask? Dovetailing this for tomorrow.
Time to vent. We got our new server connected, and it looked good.
Bill called me to the living room to see a documentary of Fred Rogers. Mr. Rogers covered everything: racism, assassinations, divorce, death, etc. He would have had a field day with these last four years. I could just hear him saying to the kids. You know, some people lie like they breathe, presidents, his supporting "news" channels, and they hang on to power, even when they've lost the election....Then, lame Donald duck would get on Twitter and blast the beloved icon, because Donnie considers no one sacred, not even the Pope.
At Aldi's, some girl wearing an ornate mask,
Bill had a conversation with a mouse
Ma Fortney used to say, "When you're old, you're so much trouble to yourself." She also had a sign up that said, "Don't floss all your teeth, just the ones you want to keep." But she didn't tell me that when you're old, you might forget just which teeth you flossed half way through, so you have to start out all over again.