Usually, I write something and decide to share, but this time, I friend faced and wrote my thoughts like a blog, one thought at a time. I got some surprising "likes" and "amen" commentaries, which were quite as good as my blogging thoughts, since there were women who really relate:
I'm feeling nostalgic today. Life was so simple then. After bedtime, I'd get up and go to the window when I heard the DDT truck go by, supposedly killing mosquitoes, and breathe it all in. That kept going on until Rachel Carson wrote her book, Silent Spring, impressing my Republican dad. But then, Republicans then were almost like moderate Democrats now. So, he was impressed that maybe they should stop doing that.
Yes, those were the days, my friend. We learned shorthand, not knowing its days of usefulness were numbered. Still, it was kind of neat. And we learned how to type as-fast-as-we-could to absolute perfection, on pain of death, which made me want to go to college, instead.
In those days, we girls were in the home economics class, learning how to sew, so our husbands wouldn't pay out so much money for store-bought clothes, which made me, again, want to go to college. (There were no male chefs teaching guys back then.) And we wore dresses and skirts to school, no exceptions. Our legs froze, but were willing to pay the price for being female. The only reason we were so willing was because it never occurred to us it was a "crock".
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