I woke up this morning in a very good mood, which was surprising, as I'd gotten up with the clock radio music. This was so I could get to choir. In other words, I didn't have the luxury of sleeping in.
A little ditty kept going through my head as I prepared my coffee in Mr. Coffee. It was a song which my brothers used to bring home to sing while they were still in college, to the tune of "Greensleeves".
"Green Stamps were all she gave.
Green Stamps were all I took.
Green Stamps were all I saved,
And I pasted them all in my Green Stamp Book."
I thought, "Boy, that sure dates me!"
Then, I thought of my daughter and me, pasting the accumulated stamps in the books, with our tongues turning green. She said, she didn't like it, but she did it "to get all the stuff". But then, I thought, "Gee, that even dates my daughter," whom I consider a young mom.
Then, I thought about my early married life, when I'd accumulated enough stamps to put into books, from whence I bought a hair dryer. Now, understand, I'm not talking hair blower...hair dryer. You sit on your couch with curlers in your hair. I didn't even need curlers. My hair is naturally curly, but we women succumbed to pressure, so we all thought we needed them. This balloon puffs up around your head, attached to something that looks like the back of a clothes dryer, and you busy yourself with something, like maybe, reading recipe books,. That was because newly married women like me, didn't know "diddly squat". Still don't.
Then, I realized, "Even the hair dryer dates me."
So, what ever happened to S&H Green Stamps!
I remember S & H Green stamps very well. I still have three lamps that were purchased with them. We used to have to go to Illinois to a redemption center. To answer your question: I have no idea what happened to the Green Stamps or when they went away, but I do remember those hair dryers.
ReplyDeleteI only had to walk three blocks, but then, had to wait, because they had to order "the stuff". As for the hair dryer, you had an excuse to "just sit", but in my case, for nothing much.