When I taught in the senior program, our supervisor cautioned us that seniors don't handle change well. Now that I am one, I have found this to be true.
A monkey wrench got thrown into our regular routine in the form of a hot water heater suddenly becoming defunct. Although the heater guy tried to simply install a part, it did not work.
This was little awkward, since our gran-daughter's fifth birthday party was scheduled for the next day, and although we are generally late go-to-bedders and late-morning sleepers, Sunday is generally a day I make an exception, especially when choir is up and running. So, sure, I'd be willing to be up for the hot water heater guy, even if it was forty minutes ahead of schedule for a Sunday. The idea of actually making it to the Sunday Service was out of the question. It's a small church, so if you're not there, people notice. But I told Bill that Jesus said you have to pull the cow out of a ditch even on the "Sabbath", and he said, he thought it was an ox. I agreed, he was probably right; it was an ox. I even tried to prove it later, by checking a Biblical Concordance, under calf (cow), ox, ditch... and I could NOT find it. So, I said I didn't really know if Jesus actually said it. Bill said he did. (Something about the Sabbath was made for Man (ahem, and women, too) not Man (um...women?) for the Sabbath.)
After dealing with the hot water heater guy, without much sleep, agreeing that he SHOULD clean out the drain, too, but asking Bill if it was okay to join the preferred customer club after Bill had insisted up and down, he would NOT join. Suddenly, it was okay to join the club. Bill was anticipating this question, so he answered, groggily, through his morning insomnia, that yes, we should join the club. It was then time for a catch-up nap.
Finally, it was almost time to go, after taking a hot shower....yay! I found my muenster cheese in the kitchen drawer, so had to throw it out. As we were on the road to the park, I realized I forgot the most important thing, Naia's birthday gift!
So, I drove back to get the gift. I had already been thinking as we left the first time, I should have my camera. This would have been an opportune time to retrieve it, but no....I forgot to take the camera, again!

(How they looked, anyway)
Bill had claimed he'd only gotten 1/2 hour sleep, due to all the noise. Oh really? I never would have noticed that he had morphed into a bear! But reality has no mercy. Toddler, Leela, had him running all over, and he was trying to protect her from herself, including the high slides. She thought it was a game of get Grandpa to run after her and just try to catch her.
Good one. You should get syndicated.
ReplyDeleteEven funnier than 2 years ago.