stood in the schoolyard,
sad, that others ceased to dump
on the new, dark kid, toward
where he'd come from.
So the chump began to jeer
once again, an old taunt,
"I bet you're not from here,
not from Mi state; your old haunt
ain't even near!"
Which started Rump's campaign,
though the kid's, "from the U.P."
claim, met with disdain
from a mob formed to see
how they, too, could inflict pain.
After time, they got tired
of bullying the one,
using slogans like, "You're fired!",
they set their sights on
other "different" kids, who'd not retired.
The mob grew large and ugly, while
others scratched their heads.
"How could this verbal bile,
which Rump has deftly led,
become so loud and vile?!!"
Then, a girl, who was smart,
began to push them back
and suggest they check their heart
to consider what they lack,
and they started to depart.
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