Thoughts before MLK Day
We've been holed up, especially today, so I've had lots of thoughts. In this weather, they say, "Check on the elderly," and I think, "Yeah, I'll do that." Then, I realize, they're talking about us. I also remember when old ladies just kind of sat there, visiting.
ðĪŊ They'd say things like, "Hold on to your youth", without giving us a program on how to do that, or "Where's the love of God in that?" But they'd just sit there, visiting. Now, they're having us do downward dog and warrior poses.
ðĪš Even with all that, the sweet bird of youth still continues on its flight.
Then, it's turning MLK's birthday, and somebody, who got to be in charge for whatever foul reason, says I'm special, because I come from a culture that's actually sun deprived half the year. So, eventually, we've become pretty pale and have had to put on makeup, so we at least, look like blood is circulating through our veins.
ðĪĄThat's why we drink mead.
You see, it's like this, Polar bears
ðž are way up north where the sun doesn't shine much, and it's cold, mostly. Regular bears
ðŧ are farther south, where there's sun, and most of the time, it's warm. (If it does get cold, they decide to go into their houses and nap, instead of ice fishing.) That's what makes their exterior difference. Underneath, they're all just bears.
I also felt pretty proud that I didn't tune in until six in the evening, but realize I like your company. Just wanted to avoid news for awhile and get lost in a Victorian mystery.
ðHaving read up on that era, we can feel fortunate, even now, when we can't take our freedoms for granted.
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