My Co-Grandma, Marilyn, rounded up some Sloppy Joes to take home to my husband, who was recovering from a bug. This made it possible for me to throw some easy things together.
Bill got a can of peas, a can of baked beans, (I already had cut-up onions for the beans) and of course, the Sloppy Joe Sauce, and a couple of buns she'd sent.
I laughed when I recalled to Bill that this reminded me of our book, A Man, A Can, A Plan, which our daughter was considering buying us before we actually a Joke.
So, I picked the book up again from the cookbook shelf, just to look through it and thought..."Hey, this isn't so bad!"
It also brought back memories of going to the then, Plumbs, with the book, so I could get the recommended items. This was a neighborhood store, now replaced by Fresh Market. People, seeing me look through the book with its kids' early reader cardboard pages, got curious. I started explaining the book to the customers, and soon, developed a line of people following me around the store aisles.
The book uses words like, "dump, nuke, slop, spackle, manhandle, hack off, drizzle, squirt, drop, and plop", because it's especially for men. And you don't have to measure too much, because you're dumping already measured cans of things together.
Near the end of the book , too, is the manliest of man's deepest desires, a section on...Beer.
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