
Two of Everything

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Reading According to an Elementary School Kid

Now, I remember what occurred to me at Meijer's today. I stopped to look at the signs. Then, I thought how my friend, Jane called me up when we were in high school and read something I wrote in elementary school that she found. It was on the importance of reading. I remember how she read to me how I wrote, "You wouldn't even know what was in the cans of food if you didn't know how to read, and then, you'd go to a parade in town, and you wouldn't know what the signs said in the parade": typical elementary concepts. Well, that's what occurred to me at Meijer's as I read the signs about most bottles and cans wouldn't be able to be deposited, and it's a REQUIREMENT to wear masks and keep social distance, etc. I thought about how even a grade school kid like me knew the importance of READING! No, you don't look at the faces of a prez and vice prez who don't read (especially, science). You take the individual responsibility to do it yourself and follow through.

Since I was often dealing with small children in creative dramatics, I decided at the outset, to have them do a cooperation exercise, sometimes pitching a tent, playing basketball, etc. ⛹️‍♂️⛹️‍♀️ Through improv, we demonstrated by contrast, how much more fun the game was or how much more smoothly the task was completed if everyone cooperated. So, maybe as the governor clamps down on the businesses, the anti-maskers ðŸ˜· will begin to feel uncomfortable as a decided minority or maybe, just hunger-driven, ðŸ›’and 
put the thing on.

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