
Two of Everything

Monday, September 28, 2020

Canine at the Crossroads


🦮One thing I've learned from puppysitting today, long after having had a large female dog.

It doesn't matter what size a dog is, for him to be headstrong. 🐶 We two were thinking at cross purposes (the little dog who would probably not get much bigger) and I....He was thinking, "I want to go out and play and chew on bad things," whereas I was thinking practically, "Oh, you want to go out and do your business, right?"

Yet, every time I took him out, he just went "frogging around" (a term I learned from my father-in-law) and he decided to save "business" for inside. Each time he stood by the door, I thought, "Oh, he's repenting and wanting to make things right by doing this the right way!"

Oh, contrary wise! Not only did he NOT want to go out for practical reasons, he wanted to STAY
outside, which was the reason he raised such a fuss each time I took him back inside. I know his immediate family will know what to do.

Becoming a dog whisperer🐾 takes time and training.

Be Prepared...Yesterday

Thinking back, walking down memory lane, when all-of-a-sudden, they said, put a Mask on, and we said, Mask? Mask? How do I do that? and then, we started putting scarves around our faces like Mideast wives. So everybody came to the rescue and showed us how to fold scarves just right, and then to, sew...Sew? Sew? I didn't do that very well, even in Home Economics. (Thank goodness for Grandma Marilyn)

So tutorials popped up right and left, about how to sew, and then, a tutorial about how to make an easy sock mask...just my style. So, our insurance company was thoughtful and sent us some ready-made masks, and especially one that fit tight over the nose (like Mideast wives, again) with their insignia on it, but other ones, too. It seemed like everybody had a disposable mask, but where were they selling them?

All this time, the powers that be were withholding masks, either so we didn't panic (I was panicking over NOT having a mask, already) or heaven forbid, that it wouldn't be like socialism, you know, where people care enough to send the very best, (like masks) instead of buying yachts without paying taxes themselves😷

Coerced Cognitive Incline

 I spent a good portion of the afternoon undoing what Windows did to my Many Cam after I had worked (with MC) for about a week to get it running again. It's a good thing I've maintained some level of politeness to this Canadian company, and they have, too.

Perhaps, they feel sorry for me, stuck in the states under the circumstances, and yet, we're so close...a hop, skip, and a jump across a great lake. But the bright side is, after frequently reading what you have to do to keep your mind sharp, I absolutely know my mind got its exercise, today.

Now, I would like to take a break and just stare into space, as is my nature.


$afer Inside

 Nothing all that "adventurous" today, but yesterday, I went in to the pharmacy to get one prescription, and came out with $100 worth of catch-up purchases. Then, I went into the $Tree during an obviously non-senior accommodating time (i.e. a madhouse) to get 1 poster and 1 backing and ended up with $15 worth of "stuff". It's "dangerous" out there.

About the Chinese Farmer

 There's a video I'd post, but nobody will probably look at it; it's the story of the farmer,

🧑‍🌾where people bring him good news,😀 and he reacts neutrally, then, they bring him consequent bad news,
🙁and his reaction is the same. 😑It keeps going back and forth like this. His reaction is always the same. Well, my manycam finally worked today...Yay! 😄 Then, I find out my family in another house is sick...Bummer! 🙁 Well, that happens when my weight goes down...Yay!😊 When my blood pressure is kind of normal...Yay! 🙂 But when the weight goes up, or the blood pressure.. the day is generally a bummer.
😒 Even though I meditate, and take supplements, I don't know if I'll ever be like the placid farmer.
🧑‍🌾 But then again, do we have to be? And still, given all the coping skills I've developed, life is pretty good.🙃

Saturday, September 19, 2020

In Defense of Those who Defend Us

 My brother had to go into a very unpopular war, which he didn't want to join. So, he went as a conscientious objector. This put him in the position of medic without any protection. He was lost in the TET offensive. You know, I've heard of others that went to wars they didn't agree with, also. They figured if they didn't, someone else would have to go in their place.

Sure I was postwar. In fact, the odds of even being born were doubtful, as my dad was at Pearl Harbor when it was attacked, and he had to become a graves registration officer. But I could still understand being part of a military family. My toy chest was pink and blue, but it was a small ammunition chest. We packed a lot of stuff into large ammunition chests. "The 20th Century" was almost required TV watching. I heard many of stories about our family's stay in Europe, rebuilding. I was there, also, but too small to remember.

Our dad took us to Washington D.C., so we could appreciate the workings of our government. Even though I was young, I will never forget the experience.

The only person wearing a military uniform in our family picture, other than our dad, was the brother who had to wear it later. I'd send probably silly letters from my college just to know I was thinking about him. But then, I got envelopes with purple fingers on them in the mail: Return to Sender. I'd show my theater friend, and she and I both looked concerned.

Two men, a counselor and a pastor, were waiting to talk to me, to bring me upstairs to tell me he was MIA. I talked to my dad on the pay phone about it, and when they found out my brother was gone, I told my hometown friend, and a tear streamed down her face. Later, she took my dad aside, and they walked off alone to talk. I think I know what she shared with him.

My husband's education was interrupted to serve in the Navy. He got the GI Bill, and was able to go to broadcasting school as a result, a program I've read certain right wing government people don't want to keep in place. I've become even prouder of his service as a result of the latest news report.

I will add a bit to my story of the Viet Nam soldier who didn't come home, my brother, Kendall; I read a letter from him today that had been sent me. This time, the print was very small, and I had to use a magnifying glass.

Of course, it was brotherly advice about NOT, going into the theatre, which I did, but I woke up and thought maybe, he was right. And I became a drama teacher, instead, which ended up being more fulfilling.

I finally recognized the letter. I would say, if you have someone far away in the service, make sure you write to them...a lot. He seemed to want me to keep writing. I had to stop for a minute when he told me what he'd do "when he returned". But I remembered I kept writing...until the letters came back.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

The Sun Will Come Out Today, so Pay Less

 On the lighter side, it's getting to the point where attending a Zoom meeting is like going somewhere to attend something. So, I felt I'd already gone somewhere before I had to go somewhere, like off to the school of the Arts, to pick up the grandchildren.

👩‍🎤🕺 (They're there, because of their lineage)

It was a beautiful ride, where I turned the heat up, because it was cold and rainy. I recognized the kids with their masks, because of Leela's antics. 🧚🧚‍♂️Naia's art teacher wanted to make sure they got into the right car, by checking with me and my sign, as well as Naia's agreeing face. All of a sudden, the sun, and Leela's request for the A/C. Got them to their Grandma Marilyn, but had to run and get their tablets to them.

Then, I went to Meijer's. Aha! You knew I'd get to the grocery adventures.🛒 Well, this time, no groceries. I decided to get rid of some accumulated bottles in the trunk while there, then, proceeded to purchase a Birthday bag that would actually fit around Naia's 10th birthday gift. 🎂 (The one at the $Tree wasn't large enough) I felt pretty clever. The bottles and the MPerk coupons wiped $6 off a $7 purchase, so I only paid $1 and 3 cents. But I thought to myself, why is it you can charge $7 for a Birthday bag,🎁 and tell people to come to your store, because "Why pay more?" is your slogan? What with rampant unemployment, small businesses closing, and they charge $7 for gift wrap? Why pay more? So, I didn't.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Fifties Foreshadowing the Women's Movement

 My dad was looking into real estate at one time, and he happened to take me along for an overview of a house, probably a duplex. After the representative showed him the house and the lady of the house, my dad complimented her as not only being a beautiful woman, but an excellent housekeeper. Looking back, the compliment didn't seem to make her face register that she was all that thrilled.

I'm telling this story, because I'm washing the kitchen cupboards, etc. for a change and doing my work in small increments, because it's wise to keep the place cleaner when there's a pandemic, and it's also hot, so escape to the A/C room.
So maybe 50's women were prouder of their role and basked in it, but I'm not entirely sure they were. At any rate, I'll probably be prouder of my kitchen than I will be of myself. I was looking to be a star, not a domestic.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Tomahawk and Dog Memories

 At age 10-11, in Northern Wisconsin, I read the book, Anne Frank, the Diary of a Young Girl. I was shocked at the changes she outlined, which impacted her and her family, in Nazi Germany. Tonight, I found out that the Nazis followed the US by looking at the country's Jim Crow Laws and implementing them against the Jews, gays, mentally and physically challenged, etc.

This is reported in the new book, Caste by Isabella Wilkerson.

Told Leela about how we had a dog 🐶 we had an operation on, so she wouldn't have puppies, so Leela proposed the opposite to her mother, a dog who would have lots of puppies they could keep! There you have it, "1,001 Dalmatians" to be living at my daughter's house...ummm...maybe not.

I needed to get credit for dog day, as I was "hired" to dog sit one much tinier today, who needs to be potty trained. Of course, we got ours when she was small, but that didn't last. I was too young to take part in its training, so I guess this is a late taking on of that responsibility.

How to tell a puppy not to bite without hurting his self esteem. If "play" has always meant you chew, what other options are there? Resting nicely in my lap. Don't be discouraged, little pup dog.

Grandsons are more demanding of your attention than granddaughters, especially when they're dogs.

The Eyes Have It

 I have to boast that I drove🚗my husband home from cataract surgery. I was a little apprehensive, as he never lets me drive with him in the car. But all he did was say, "Get over to the right, so the cars can pass, and look in your blind spot before changing lanes." I expected him to be hypercritical.

Now on the other hand, when it comes to NIGHT driving, and HE'S behind the wheel, there's a good chance I will no longer have to deal with, "Where IS the left lane where the traffic light is?" 🚥 And I won't have to say, "No, WAY over there, (out near the Lakes Mall) no, WAY farther to the left," and feel like a survivor🥴when he's done.

Unplanned Joy

Yesterday turned out to be meh,😒😐😏🙄 as I spent hours struggling to get my ManyCam up and running again. It seemed like a way to waste the day. My Plan for yesterday was accomplish something and have fun, neither of which happened.

The only plan I had for the day today was to pick up the girls and watch them. As it turned out, I watched ZooTropolus (formerly ZooTopia) with them, having forgotten the details, and laughed heartily. (Grownups, have you noticed, though, how they get in subliminal messages to us for issues, like anti-racism, anti-sexism, etc.?)

And when I got home, there ManyCam was, on my email, saying, sorry for the delay. I also made some progress, but experienced another setback, yet didn't worry about it, because I see there's a break in the clouds. Today, turned out to be a productive, fun day, 👩‍🌾🤩🥳and that, I did NOT plan.

From the Land of Sky Blue Waters

 My sis-in-law Jill sent me a couple things in the mail, one of which was a painting my dad did in the 1929-1930 school year, as a teacher. I was a little "blown away", although oil painting was one of both my parents' past times. Brother Kendall was the A+ artist, and I got a few lessons from Dad. So, I did a couple of "lost" paintings, and I only took art to avoid the inevitable science courses, while in the first year of college, from his seminary classmate, which is why I got a B.A. (arts) instead of a B.S. (science) Dad could do both.


 Nothing like getting showered, putting on your cleanest clothes, especially denim capris that had to line dry, going shopping and getting totally drenched.☔️ There was a nice man at Aldis', who helped me throw stuff in the trunk, though. 🙂 But apparently, my "mood" isn't appreciated around here at home.

In a little book my mom furnished me with, Growing Up and Liking It, (since she wanted to avoid talking too much about it in the late 50's), I still remember it said, "Peel off soggy duds fast!" Good health advice! So, I think I'll write a pamphlet, too. Growing Old and Putting Up with It. But who's going to be the one who dispenses it to us? If anyone says, "Ok Boomer" to me right now, there will be consequences.

Day Dreamer

I like this picture of Naia, when she was small, gazing at the show on TV. She always got lost in it, and the world around her disappeared. I even saw her do that watching a play at her school. We told Leela we "daydreamed", which puzzled Leela, and she wondered what that was like. Naia said, "It's hard to explain." This is what "dreamers" are made of.

Reflecting Art with Household Stuff

 Another try at my first attempt to copy book covers by finding stuff around the 🏠, like they do with other art. Recommended by Writers Digest Magazine and something to do during a pandemic.