On the lighter side, it's getting to the point where attending a Zoom meeting is like going somewhere to attend something. So, I felt I'd already gone somewhere before I had to go somewhere, like off to the school of the Arts, to pick up the grandchildren.

It was a beautiful ride, where I turned the heat up, because it was cold and rainy. I recognized the kids with their masks, because of Leela's antics. 
Naia's art teacher wanted to make sure they got into the right car, by checking with me and my sign, as well as Naia's agreeing face. All of a sudden, the sun, and Leela's request for the A/C. Got them to their Grandma Marilyn, but had to run and get their tablets to them.

Then, I went to Meijer's. Aha! You knew I'd get to the grocery adventures.
Well, this time, no groceries. I decided to get rid of some accumulated bottles in the trunk while there, then, proceeded to purchase a Birthday bag that would actually fit around Naia's 10th birthday gift.
(The one at the $Tree wasn't large enough) I felt pretty clever. The bottles and the MPerk coupons wiped $6 off a $7 purchase, so I only paid $1 and 3 cents. But I thought to myself, why is it you can charge $7 for a Birthday bag,
and tell people to come to your store, because "Why pay more?" is your slogan? What with rampant unemployment, small businesses closing, and they charge $7 for gift wrap? Why pay more? So, I didn't.

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