I would say my original dog, though a good deal larger, was much more Zen-like.

So, I'm sitting in the reclining chair, and I hear some "rustle-rustle-rustle" sound in the kitchen. Of course, I wonder what Logan's doing, and I call, "Logan?" He appears at the kitchen door,
but has my backpack in his mouth. It's about the same size he is, yet he's apparently dragged it across the kitchen floor. This kind of activity continues, like when the tissue box gets knocked off the table, and the little rascal appears at the other end with...the tissue box
in his mouth. Then, I have to intervene after he pulls out a tissue and proceeds to chew it. This is a challenge if you don't want your hand chewed along with the tissue. I must have saved him from himself several times today. Not a job for readers. 

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