It's getting a little closer to "my time", as I've drifted kind of into the "late zone". So, this is a reputation saver...until I drift a bit more. My daughter, though, has me getting up, once a week, at the ungodly hour I used to arise, all for the safety and sanity of a puppy.

On that note, I knew a fellow who preceded his discussions on humanity with, "The human animal". This is true. We get so high minded that we don't realize that's what we are. One time, in Colorado, after some rather strong wine,
(a gift from a friend) in which I no longer imbibe, we went to a restaurant. As I watched the people walking in, I could swear they all looked like the Disney comic book characters, human-esque, with black noses and floppy ears. I've thought, since then, that I might have had a "peek" into the truth about our species. It could explain why there are still Trumpanzees behaving like wild animals, pushing vehicles off the road, intimidating governors and voters.

I tried to check out the blue moon from behind the clouds, but once the clouds moved, it didn't look blue at all.
So, here we are. Things are going on all at once: Halloween, blue moon, daylight savings (fake time) ends, to be replaced by the actual time (I think), All Saints Day, a pandemic, which has not occurred in a century, and the most important election, at least, in my lifetime...
It's why I like to read history and historical novels. 
The human spirit has lived through rough times and much worse, seriously, so we can pull this off.

It depends on which you want to feed, the wild animal or the fully human one you aspire to become.
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