Bill decided to, at least, go out and shovel snow for the mail carrier. I said, "I bet that was a little refreshing", and he said, "I'm still thawing."

Bill decided to, at least, go out and shovel snow for the mail carrier. I said, "I bet that was a little refreshing", and he said, "I'm still thawing."
I feel like just going back to being an artiste' and relaxing into the way it was. But deep in my heart, I know every one of us has a bigger responsibility now that our democratic republic just had a close call. It doesn't mean you become somebody else, like someone invested in the arts suddenly becomes a marching political activist all the time. Admittedly, George Takei and others are doing a pretty good job of it, but they have more influence, money, and time.
Got to see President Biden's inauguration at the very moment on the internet, thankfully.
Night thoughts. I'm not very worried that my wrist aches, because I found out first "hand"
I was given a good analogy from someone who will not be named, as I might screw it up. It goes (sort of) like this. "The Lions Won!"
"But the scoreboard says they lost." "Someone must be messing with the scoreboard. You can't believe what you read. So, the Lions Won!"
"But the evidence points to the fact that the Lions lost." "I don't see any evidence that they lost. The Lions Won!"
"The evidence has been checked, double checked and triple checked." "Those people aren't calculating right. The Lions Won!"
"The judges have determined that they lost." "No, they won!"
We Yarn Spinners took off on dealing with clerks and waitresses, etc. about what they're required to ask, and how we've answered. So, if someone at the grocery store asks me again if I'm "finding everything okay", I think I'll say, was a little bit of a hassle trying to climb up in the freezer to the one carton of regular frozen yogurt that wasn't non fat, and the same goes for the regular yogurt. Then, there was the six pack of water that was too far in the back to reach, and I had to get down on my hands and knees to get a carton of orange juice. If that's "finding everything okay", then, yeah.
I have a cousin who's an artist; in fact I have several who are artists. This one, though, knows me well. She said whenever I was angry, she knew, because she observed a straight line between my lips. I checked the mirror, after yesterday's capitol assault. Yup, there it was.
We got so upset with how-to books that often disrespectfully told you how to work, economize, organize, and play...(For example: Bill was told he had to have three hours of recreation, and I was told I had to accomplish six things daily, despite the fact that one thing can take all day) so, I rebelled by scheduling nothing. Well, that didn't seem to work. Verification was that Bill said I seemed to be "walking around in a daze" yesterday.
No one believes that I'm capable of cussing like a sailor
I wouldn't wish a back out of whack to anybody. Bill's back did just that. I remember how bad I felt when I broke my shoulder, and it's kind of weird; you don't feel good, (everything's connected, so it affects your whole body) but you aren't contagious. However, because he was in that shape, I took the opportunity to laze the day away in my jammies. I still did things that absolutely had to be done, but it was still a lazy day. Since it was a holiday, everyone should have one. Just don't throw your back out of whack, because then, it won't be fun.
When my brother put some ear phones on his head while watching TV, I asked him why. Well, it appears his wife's sharp ears necessitate him putting those on in order to hear the set. Ok, I think I'm going to have to get a pair of those. Bill's sharp ears, the ability to hear everybody in the restaurant or while driving down the alley, the ability to hear the TV three blocks away, contrast with mine. My brother's wife and my husband also contain a fair degree of German, and I notice they like to sprinkle pepper on things I'd never sprinkle with pepper. Tell me DNA doesn't make a difference.
Let's see, the only adventure today was the one Bill had, going to correct an insurance mistake (theirs). Not allowed in, due to Covid, so he had to fill out papers in the wet snow, with no clipboard.
Since this is a shopping day, I have to laugh
I love good pencils