Did not go to the store Friday, because of being snowed in. The car didn't start today, and my other half had the bright idea I should take a cab to cover two stores. This, I did not want to do, and found out that at bottom, was the Coca Cola deficit. The next bright idea, to order a pizza, and I mentioned, they have Coke. This brought on widened eyes and a bright smile. "Yeah!"
As you probably know, our car wouldn't start. All I was ready for today was for Bill to have it towed away and fixed. Instead, he tells me to "get out there" and help before it "dies". Someone from the car repair company had done a temporary restart, so he could get to the car repair place. However, he is stuck in the snow, which is also ice. I'm in my pajamas, but okay, I'll put on my boots with yak trax on them. I'm not sure what I'm doing out there, but I end up saying a brief prayer for help for both of us, and lo, a neighbor comes down the alley to do just that. So, Bill comes back from getting the car fixed, and it's all ready to go. It will have to be fixed more later. I have a good laugh on the way to the store, because the person who lives across from the "Jesus Lives Here" guy has a rainbow sign up and another pro-transgenders sign, which probably makes the JLH guy a little uncomfortable, but the other reason I'm laughing is there are three dogs jumping around in the yard, one of which looks just like my "other" family's dog, only gargantuan. So, I'm early enough to hit the Dollar Tree first. But when I go to Aldi's right next door, I take that quarter you need to get your cart, and it disappears into the gear shift. "Sigh!" When I get back, I already have the "refrigerate-able" stuff ready to go, and while Bill heats a concoction he still calls "Farmer Brown", even though it's "Shepherd's Pie", I'm called out once again to chop the ice that is making snow shoveling three times as hard. I'm left out there while he takes a break. Again, I'm not really sure what I'm doing, telling myself, "Well, even though my mom was a spoiled/refined city girl from Minneapolis, my dad came from the farm, so maybe, I have some strength just based upon inheriting his metabolism." This does not help me, because I remember my cousin telling me he got special treatment, being the last male, since he gravitated more toward reading and art, which he obviously passed on to his "children". So, again, I'm kind of lost out there chopping ice, not knowing what I'm doing in the cold and dark. But somehow, after a little more chopping and shoveling on his part, Bill gets the car back in the garage. And I can get more groceries out of the trunk. The only thing I can say I've accomplished is, I did a pretty good job shopping. We were down to NOTHING; even the toilet paper supply was looking pretty scary. So, I'm pretty proud of that...until I have to do part III of my "grocery" shopping at Meijer....tomorrow.