Thought I'd have the day off today to work on my project. Looked into the refrigerator, however. I noticed there wasn't much in it. So, checked my day/week/month planner to find out the reason why. Oh, time to do part one of my
shopping. It was pretty quiet by the time I got there, perfect for seniors, in both places. I noticed Bill's Hershey Bar had fallen onto the sidewalk on the way out of the second store, and I couldn't find the other, so I checked back with the manager, who provided me with another one. I said I'd bring one back if I should find it, and she graciously said, that's okay. The only thing unusual was by the time I got outside the 
, a mask-less lady walked up to me as I was closing my trunk; she said "we're" homeless and would I have a few dollars
to spare. Now, these days, that story's not too far fetched, but I told her I didn't. I used to hand out the number of Silent Unity prayer line for those who sincerely need prayer help to better their situations, but I'm not as naïve about intentions anymore. I noticed, as her car
pulled away, the manager was kind of leaning out the door well past closing time, saying she was watching. You know, I was probably going to be okay, but that kind of concern is pretty touching.
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