
Two of Everything

Monday, December 23, 2019

'Twas the Night Before Christmas Eve...

My family thinks of me in terms of "figuring stuff out" 🕵️‍♀️and "fixing stuff". 👩‍🔧 So, my first assignment on this busy day before Christmas Eve, is to fix the pleated blind in the kitchen. I finally locate where the problem is, in the bottom, but what a mess of strings! So, I look up "how to" videos on the subject, and one guy says, "first thing, don't get them, because they always do this." Then, he goes on to tell how to fix it, to the degree that, at least, it goes up, but only 3/4 of the way down. I shall be like Edison. So far, I've figured out a thousand ways "kNOT" to do this, but I shall press on until I've invented the light bulb.💡 Now, I've taken out two parts on the bottom and un-knotted the strings. The bottom lies on the floor awaiting attention when I get around to it. Wrapping 🎀🎁🛍 and baking and other last minute excursions should be a SNAP after this hassle.

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