
Two of Everything

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Living Now

I don't know how long we'll be inside, especially in Mi state, but I had a counselor once, who was blind, and friends encouraged her to think about the possibility that with new technology, her sight could be restored. But, she said, "I can't live for that time." She encouraged me to live in the now and make good things happen now, for good future memories.
I've already done some things online that I never envisioned before. And people are offering virtual ways of being employed, not that I wasn't already thinking of it. But now, it's time to get serious. 
Sure I'm not alone in wishing I could hug my gran-daughters, but thinking of ways to play games, etc. Never lacked for creativity. And maybe I'll start making my husband's dream come true about playing cards. He said he actually cried, because I couldn't do that. It wasn't forbidden growing up, just not a priority. 
It's too discouraging, playing chess with him, as even a brother found out it could be quite a challenge. My other brother wanted to take that challenge, but never got around to it.
Didn't mean to "muse" out loud, but, at least, it isn't about things like Lysol and bleach. Come to think of it, cleaning is another "fun" activity. 😄

Getting it Right...This Time

We had a friend who's passed, I'd overheard talking to someone at church saying, he was reading a book,📖 "How to Get through the Day", and I thought, "gee, he's in bad shape to have to read that." Well, it took me most of the day to "get right", but it was accomplished: Coffee, ☕️ lots of exercise both inside ðŸ§˜‍♀️and outside,ðŸšķ‍♀️ a successful meal,ðŸ—ðŸŒ―ðŸĨ”🍓 not a take out, so it was healthier, favorite news programs,ðŸ‘Ļ‍💞, a cup of Chai Tea ðŸđ and a dish of chocolate ice cream ðŸĨĢnear the end of it, and got through the day. A Day at a Time, is not a platitude, though I am going to check up on what the moon ðŸŒ™might be up to.

Getting it Right...Not

Overcoming procrastination! All it took was getting the recyclables ready, noticing the bin wasn't all that full, looking at the calendar, and yup, it's going to be picked up Thursday of NEXT Week.

After returning from the battlefield, ðŸĪš (i.e. grocery store🛒) got my recyclables I'd already gotten half ready last week, (because I was ahead of schedule) out to the curb. Looked around. Nobody else. Uh oh. Checked the calendar📅....uh huh! Due Friday. It's STAYING out there. I am DONE with this. I will not put a THIRD STICKER ðŸ—‘on my calendar!