
Two of Everything

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Elephant in the Room

I told Bill how I had to tell the girl at the chicken place, who tallied up our bill...wrong, that I was a senior for a discount on senior night, when I was standing right in front of her.
 He attributed it to people in public not being aware. He claimed he could walk into a place with an elephant mask, and some people wouldn't even notice. There have been studies, he claimed, where people have done just that, and nobody even noticed. 
So, I thought maybe I'd try it out for myself. I have lots of different animal noses in my supplies, and even though I've just discovered you can do all sorts of fun things with a camera, this elephant nose is the real McCoy. Perhaps, I'll wear this into the chicken place next time, and see if anybody notices.

Image result for Elephant cartoonsImage may contain: 1 person

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Thoughts before MLK Day

Image result for senior cartoons freeWe've been holed up, especially today, so I've had lots of thoughts. In this weather, they say, "Check on the elderly," and I think, "Yeah, I'll do that." Then, I realize, they're talking about us. I also remember when old ladies just kind of sat there, visiting.ðŸ‘ĩðŸĪŊ They'd say things like, "Hold on to your youth", without giving us a program on how to do that, or "Where's the love of God in that?" But they'd just sit there, visiting. Now, they're having us do downward dog and warrior poses.ðŸĪš Even with all that, the sweet bird of youth still         continues on its flight.ðŸĶImage result for senior cartoons freeðŸĶ‡ 

Then, it's turning MLK's birthday, and somebody, who got to be in charge for whatever foul reason, says I'm special, because I come from a culture that's actually sun deprived half the year. So, eventually, we've become pretty pale and have had to put on makeup, so we at least, look like blood is circulating through our veins.😊😚 ðŸĪĄThat's why we drink mead.😖ðŸū🍷 
You see, it's like this, Polar bears🐞 are way up north where the sun doesn't shine much, and it's cold, mostly. Regular bearsðŸŧ are farther south, where there's sun, and most of the time, it's warm. (If it does get cold, they decide to go into their houses and nap, instead of ice fishing.) That's what makes their exterior difference. Underneath, they're all just bears.
 I also felt pretty proud that I didn't tune in until six in the evening, but realize I like your company. Just wanted to avoid news for awhile and get lost in a Victorian mystery. ðŸ”ŽðŸ“–Having read up on that era, we can feel fortunate, even now, when we can't take our freedoms for granted.

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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

And So Begins 2018

I like to bite off more than I can chew, had four errand stops planned. Understand, this weatherðŸŒĻ️❄️☃️ is not like Southern California or Florida, ðŸŒīðŸĶ•so it's double time driving with a GPS, leading me around in circles, and advising me to make U-turns, over in another "wrong" area, to boot.🚗 It even tells me the place could be closed by the time I get there. So, I'm too late by a half hourðŸ•Ē for a little hole in the wall I FINALLY find, then go to Barnes & Noble nearby to order books📚 for Bill, which turn out to be "out-of-print, must go online to get used ones". Get a Writers magazine and a couple calendars (half price after New Years). Ditch the other two stops. Such productivity! Glad Rev. John Welter Williams🧙‍♂️ had already advised to postpone getting settled in to the New Year, until February. It will take that long!

Image result for New Years Senior Cartoons Sure starting the New Year right. It seemed misty and particularly dark on the way to Storytellers, so I went a lot farther, but turned to get to headquarters at just a different angle, then, abandoned my car, rather than park it. ðŸš™ Great meeting, By the way, we really entertained our visitor, who didn't know there was such a thing as us. ðŸĪ·‍♀️ The problem was on the way back, I offered to stop at Checkers, the one fast food of its kind which has nearly disappeared. Got Bill a milkshake with his mirthful meal. I noticed a bunch of peanuts ðŸĨœwere all over the place between the front seats. When coming to one stop, the milkshake ðŸĨĪtook a flying leap ðŸĪļ‍♂️ onto the floor, tried salvaging about a third of what I'd started with. Got home, couldn't find the key on a sticky key ring, and yelled in the front window. Could see the treeðŸŒē was turned over, and no one was answering. Finally, got in and yelled for some kind of response. Why was I yelling? ðŸ˜Ŋ Had to make my way through the puddles,ðŸšĢ‍♀️ then, clean out the car of peanuts and spilled milkshake. He wasn't going to cryðŸ˜Ĩover spilled milkshake, he said. He also pointed out the tree was no longer standing up, though he'd tried his best; the tree was trying to tell me it was over. ⏱️