
Two of Everything

Friday, March 27, 2020

Staying In

I remember flying✈ over Lake Michigan years ago, and it seemed like we were veering downward. I looked at the water below and thought, am I afraid to die? Well, I evaluated this and told my mom, whom I was visiting, I think it's just that I don't want to die "quite that way". (picture the film, the Titanic)🚢 
Well, I'd rather do it like my mom. She sat in her chair;💺 someone on the other side probably signaled, so she told the nurse she'd like a glass of water, and when the nurse went around the corner for it and returned, Mom was gone.
That's why I'm staying in. I want to do it the classy way she did. It's not that she lived a safe life, either. She was in Europe right after WWII, accompanying my dad, an army officer, and I think things were still a little unpredictable.
 Besides, I want to see how the worm begins to turn, especially come November. BTW, we're right here in Michigan, where we're governed by "that woman" who simply states the facts. Bless her ❤️.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Avoiding the Great Golf Course in the Sky

My dad was a minister who put down the guys on the golf course🏌️‍♂️on a Sunday morning. Bill's dad was ON 🏌️‍♂️the golf course and claimed the course WAS the church, and his golfing buddies were the congregants. Bill's dad was also a chiropractor, who usually avoided MD's. 👩‍⚕️ My mom was an RN, who followed MD's orders. 👨‍⚕️ When I saw Bill's dad prone on the couch and asked how he was, he'd say, "Never felt better," so I figured he was probably under the weather. 🤒 I also argued with his dad about taking my daughter to the MD👩‍⚕️ and getting shots. So, when Bill told me not to touch my face, I disregarded it, until the MD's👨‍⚕️ said not to. Since I have ditched most of my addictions, I am once again reminded that people are still experiencing addictions. Like, It's really hard not to touch my face. 🙁 It must be the itchiest face on the planet.😥 I start in the morning wanting to rub my eyes😳🥺 and this torture continues throughout the day...making fists,🤛🤜 squinting my eyes.😫