
Two of Everything

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Fuss over States

 Night thoughts. I'm not very worried that my wrist aches, because I found out first "hand"

🖐 yesterday that "Rosy, the Riveter" 🧑‍🔧had a harder job than I thought.💪
I now have learned from two sources that all this fuss about WI, MI, PA, and GA, have something to do with the demographics in Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia, and Atlanta. I even "Googled" around and thought, "Aha! Some folks are still living in the 50's." I was around then, and even as a child when we got our first TV,📺 I thought, "Where are all the black people?" That came quite naturally, as I was living in a neighborhood where I was becoming a minority. As far as AZ goes, the minority population in Phoenix is a little more mixed, but it adds up. Or maybe John McCain 👴was just saying, "I like people who answer their call to military service and don't screw up the Presidency by not realizing it is also a "service" to our country, okay?" Of course, there were other blue states, but those seem to be the principle ones being fussed over.
I've looked out the window a number of times today at the pretty snow☃️❄️ and wondered if it would be okay for a senior to walk out there. Bill answered my question by going out into it and telling me "the weather outside is frightful" (i.e. cold). It does mean , though, that I have to climb up and down the stairs,🚶‍♀️🦵 because I didn't "go" to Zoom Yoga.🧎‍♀️🧘‍♀️

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