
Two of Everything

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The Plantation Owner

 We used to play with paper dolls. I thought of how we could dress Mitch McConnell up in a plantation owner costume. I also thought of how the slave owners justified their practice by saying it was in the Bible. Lots of horrendous stuff is in the Bible. But let's consider Joseph, for example, being sold into slavery. When his half brothers did that, it wasn't exactly a reward for how much they loved him. Joseph didn't respond by saying, "Oh boy, I'm really looking forward to this next great adventure! Thank you so much, brothers." (Unbeknownst to Joseph, this "adventure" would also include prison.) Now back to old Mitch. My personal feeling is that slavery has not been defeated, but expanded to most of the US population. So, when he's saying, this would be an excuse to sit on your butts, he's really saying, "Okay, slaves, get off your butts, because you're supposed to be out there working for $10 an hour, since you're working for US." Somehow, he got the roles reversed.

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